Selection & Deployment
Teaching - Policy Lever
This lever measures the extent to which there is a meritocratic system for recruiting teachers—specifically, whether that system takes into account content knowledge, pedagogical skills, and other relevant characteristics in making hiring and deployment decisions.
A score ranging from 1 to 5 will be calculated based on policy questions. Responses will be scored according to a rubric that considers the best practices for selection and deployment. Two scores are reported: one for de jure policy existence and one for de facto policy implementation.
While attraction is important, it has to be complemented with the right selection and deployment policies. Case studies on high-performing systems such as Singapore, South Korea, and Finland show that these countries have a very competitive process to select applicants to teacher initial education programs (Auguste, Kihn & Miller 2010, Darling-Hammond 2010, Barber & Mourshed 2007). While more recent studies find that having a competitive selection mechanism is important, we still don’t know enough about which specific instruments (e.g., written test, mock classroom, etc.) work best in selecting teachers (Rockoff et al. 2011). As a result, the literature supports using multiple selection instruments and trial periods before awarding teachers long-term contracts. It is also important to actively deploy capable teachers to schools where their skills are most needed; without purposeful incentives or allocation, teachers will likely gravitate towards schools serving better-off students, deepening inequalities in the system (Boyd et al. 2005a; Hanushek et al. 2004b).
Instrument Used for Measurement
Measurement Approach
For measuring this indicator, seven questions are used. These include de jure questions asked in the Policy Survey and de facto questions from the School Survey. For example:
(de jure) What are the requirements to become a public-school teacher?
(de facto) Which of the following are considered during the recruitment process of new teachers?Options include: completed required coursework, achieved a specific educational qualification, graduated from any tertiary education degree program, graduated from a tertiary degree program specifically designed to prepare teachers, passed a subject content knowledge written test, passed an interview-stage assessment, had a minimum amount of practical professional experience, passed an assessment conducted by a supervisor based on the practical professional experience, the conduct during mockup class
(de jure) Which of the following criteria are used to determine whether to fulfill a teacher’s request to be transferred to another school?
Instrument Sources
Based on the Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) – Teachers