Inputs and Infrastructure - Policy Lever
This lever measures the extent to which policies set standards for what inputs and infrastructure need to be available at every school.
A score ranging from 1 to 5 is calculated based on 9 policy questions. Responses are scored based on whether there are stipulated standards for each of the basic inputs and infrastructure aspects. Two scores are reported: one for de jure policy existence and one for de facto policy implementation.
For each of the practice indicators of inputs and infrastructure (basic inputs and basic infrastructure), the GEPD identifies the two main key policy levers and proposes an approach to measure them. Given the similarities between the two practice indicators, the same premise is used for the policy levers associated with each. The first refers to the presence of standards. Standards set the basic guidelines for what inputs and infrastructure should be available in every school (public or private). Lack of guidance on what the standards should be leaves the discretionary power to the school, district, or subnational levels, which could mean that some areas have the necessary inputs and infrastructure for effective learning while others do not. While evidence on this indicator is scarce, there is a strong theoretical presumption that, along with adequate enforcement, standards mandating universal provision of basic inputs and infrastructure are an important tool for ensuring that all schools will have them.
Instrument Used for Measurement
Measurement Approach
The questions that make up this indicator can be found in the Policy Survey and in the School Management module of the School Survey. They ask whether standards require all schools to have certain inputs and infrastructure, as well as whether those standards are known by the staff working in the schools. For example:
(de jure) Is there a policy in place to require that students in all public schools have the prescribed textbooks?
(de facto) Do you know if there are standards in place to require that students in all public schools have the prescribed textbooks?
(de jure) Is there a policy in place to require that students in all public schools have access to computers?
(de facto) Do you know if there are standards in place to require that students in all public schools have access to computers?
(de jure) Is there a policy in place that require all schools to have access to functional hygienic facilities?
(de facto) Do you know if there are standards in place to require all schools to have access to functional hygienic facilities?
Instrument Sources
Newly developed, but adapted from Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) – School Finance