Caregiver Financial Capacity
Learners - Policy Lever
This lever measures the availability and quality of programs that aim to build the financial capacity of caregivers.
A score ranging from 1 to 5, calculated based on 1 de jure question and 1 external de facto data component. The response to the de jure question will be scored according to a rubric that considers the factors associated with good programs to strengthen caregivers’ financial capacity. Two scores will be reported: one for de jure policy existence and one for de facto policy implementation.
This policy lever relates to support systems available to build caregiver capacity. There are two main types of support programs to build caregiver capacity: 1) those aiming to build their financial capacity to care for their children, and 2) those that aim to build their parenting skills. Both are equally important, and in many instances, they are offered in parallel. Programs that build caregivers’ capacity to support healthy development can substantially improve children’s outcomes. A common type of program that tends to build caregiver capacity through a variety of interventions and nudges is the conditional cash transfer (CCT). Cash transfer programs can address acute material deprivation in households and improve developmental outcomes, particularly when provided with prenatal care and child services. For example, CCT programs in Ecuador, Mexico, and Nicaragua have reduced stunting, improved cognitive development, and promoted better parenting practices (Britto et al. 2016; World Bank 2015).
Instrument Used for Measurement
Measurement Approach
This indicator is made up of two factors – 1 question included in the Policy Survey that inquires about the availability of support programs to build the financial capacity of the caregivers and a de facto component that measures the coverage of such programs. The two measures are the following:
(de jure) Are any of the following types of programs publicly-supported in your country? If yes, check whether or not they are conditional on prenatal care and child services?
a. Anti-poverty interventions that focus on ECD [__] [__]
b. Cash transfers conditional on ECD services/enrollment [__] [__]
c. Cash transfers focused partially on ECD [__] [__]
(de facto) Coverage of social protection programs (benefit incidence)
Instrument Sources
System Approach for Better Education Results – Early Childhood Education (SABER-ECE)
Atlas of Social Protection – Indicators of Resilience and Equity (ASPIRE)