Clarity of Functions
School Management - Policy Lever
This policy lever captures whether the core operational management and instructional leadership functions to be carried out in schools are articulated and allocated in legislation or existing policy frameworks.
A score ranging from 1 to 5, calculated based on the 2 policy questions. The stipulation and allocation of each core function is scored using an equal weight when calculating the score. Two scores are reported: one for de jure policy existence and one for de facto policy implementation.
The existence of clear stipulations and allocation of these core functions is a first step to create a system that ensures that these functions are performed. However, many countries have not clearly articulated the allocation of these functions. A recent study finds that in Guatemala, Peru, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic around 25% of these core responsibilities—primarily the ones related to the implementation dimension of personnel management functions—are not clearly articulated in the legislation (Adelman et al. 2018). The same study also shows that even in cases where the responsibilities have been allocated, there is often a confusion between the de jure allocation and the bureaucrats’ de facto understanding. Therefore, it is important that there be an expectation that these functions must be carried out and that those responsible for executing them know and understand their responsibility.
Instrument Used for Measurement
Measurement Approach
This indicator will be based on two questions, one that will be answered through a legislative review and one that will be asked through School Management module (as part of the School Survey). The questions are the following:
(de jure) Does the legislation and/or policies governing schools assign responsibility for the implementation of each of the following? Indicate for each, Yes/No as well as the level at which they are allocated: national, sub-national, local, or school.
(de facto) Do you know if the policies governing schools assign responsibility for the implementation of each of the following? Indicate for each, Yes/No as well as the level at which they are allocated: national, sub-national, local, or school.
- Maintenance and expansion of school infrastructure
- Procurement of materials
- Teacher hiring and assignment
- Teacher supervision, training, and coaching of teachers
- Student learning assessments
- Principal hiring and assignment
- Principal supervision and training
Instrument Sources
Newly developed, but inspired by Adelman et al. 2018