
School Management - Policy Lever


This policy lever measures the extent to which principal performance is being monitored and supported through accountability measures. The indicator is based on 1) there is legislation outlining the need to monitor, 2) principals are being evaluated, 3) principals are being evaluated on multiple things, and 4) there the accountability mechanisms in place.


A score ranging from 1 to 5, calculated based on 8 policy questions. Responses are scored according to a rubric that considers the factors associated with good evaluation systems for principals. Two scores are reported: one for de jure policy existence and one for de facto policy implementation.


Given the important role that school principals have within the school and the potential effect of their actions (or lack thereof) on student outcomes, it is important to have accountability mechanisms in place. These mechanisms of evaluation serve as a way of ensuring that the principals are fulfilling their responsibilities and that they have the right skills to do so effectively. Monitoring the performance of principals can point at areas where more training is needed to guarantee the fulfillment of responsibilities. It can also highlight cases where certain important tasks like the provision of instructional leadership or the maintenance of school infrastructure are not being performed.

Policy Survey
School Survey

Instrument Used for Measurement

  • Survey of Public Officials
  • Existing Data Source
  • Policy Survey
  • School Survey

Measurement Approach

There are 8 questions that make up this indicator. These are asked through the Policy Survey and through the School Management module of the School Survey. The questions capture both de jure and de facto information. They inquire about whether: 1) there is a legislation outlining the need to monitor, 2) principals are being evaluate, 3) principals are being evaluated on multiple things, and 4) there are consequences to a positive/negative evaluation. For example:

(de jure) Is there a national or sub-national law/regulation that specifies the need to monitor principal or head teacher performance?

(de facto) During the last school year did any authority evaluate your work?

(de facto) What specific aspects of your work did they evaluate you on?

(de facto) What would happen if a principal received 2 or more positive evaluations?

(de facto) What would happen if a principal received 2 or more negative evaluations?

Instrument Sources

Systems Approach for Better Education Outcomes – Service Delivery (SABER-SD)

Newly developed, but adapted from SABER – Teachers