National Learning Goals

Politics & Bureaucratic Capacity


The aim of this indicator is to capture the extent to which there is a goal and/or strategy that encapsulates a desire and a path to reach higher learning outcomes. This is what ultimately drives the work of the ministry and district offices that together, with the support of other stakeholders and civil society, work towards achieving those goals.


A score ranging from 1 to 5, based on a series of 12 questions. For all questions, a score of 1 indicates low effectiveness and 5 indicates high effectiveness in that area. This indicator is disaggregated by urban/rural location.


The WDR 2018 highlights how education systems are often poorly aligned with learning goals. These misalignments are driven in part by technical complexities: education systems simulataneously pursuing many conflicting goals, with many system actors continually interacting in complex ways. Even when learning is recognized as a central goal, it often receives less prominence than other objectives. And even when the learning goal is clearly defined, the way education systems are organized sometimes hampers performance.

Goal alignment has two elements:  First, there needs to be an overall strategy and goal that is clearly articulated. Second, all relevant organizations and stakeholders playing a role in the education system must be working towards that goal, or at the very least not hampering the efforts towards that goal. Effective goal orientation in organizations revolves around sound management practices. Principal-agent approaches underline the centrality of monitoring and incentives to motivate staff to perform. Good management entails clarity in setting organizational goals and targets; regular monitoring of these targets; effective personnel management, including how managers distribute tasks across employees, involve staff in problem solving, and give staff the autonomy to carry out their tasks; and the regularity and robustness of performance evaluations. These goal-oriented elements of management also need to be complemented with effective engagement of policy-makers and bureaucrats with communities to help parents monitor front-line service providers.

Survey of Public Officials

Instrument Used for Measurement

  • Survey of Public Officials
  • Existing Data Source
  • Policy Survey
  • School Survey

Measurement Approach

A series of 12 questions asked to public officials. For example:

Does your organization have a clear set of learning targets that are aligned with national learning goals?

To what extent would you say that members of your organization are knowledgeable of the organization’s learning targets and how they relate to their work?

Instrument Sources

Bureaucracy Lab – Survey of Public Officials